Monday, 10 September 2012

Just a quick note

G Crossing, originally uploaded by Wonder Westie.

to say, I'll be back soon. She has been 'beside herself' (whatever that means!) lately with work and other stuff. She will catch up on all blog related 'stuff' soon, She tells me. In the meantime, I have been busy - this is me doing out and about (it's a staged shot, there's no WAY ON EARTH they would let me off the lead in town!) and there are whisperings about Her needing some time off work so apparently we are heading off soon on a short break - AND I don't care what They say, this holiday is ALL ABOUT ME. it has NOTHING to do with Her needing a break, it's going to be ALL about ME (let's face it, They have been away twice this year without me).

Woof for now.
