Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Groucho (9O6A1831), originally uploaded by Wonder Westie.

Well, so much for the blogging - She has not been replaced as The Main Help because a) it has been very, very, very hot here in Nihon and we are all very, very tired with it all b) She has been very, very busy at work, doing 6 day weeks and therefore any spare time She has is spent with Him and Me, doing important stuff like rubbing my tummy, feeding me, taking me for walks (in the very limited cool times of the day), buying me treats from the wonderful doggy cafe They found (all nature, delicious stuff!) c) Her extracirricular activities are many - Nihon go (Japanese) lessons once a week, taiko drumming once a week and now They have started kendo as well and then there is the jogging They are doing as They need to get fit for Their Mt Fuji climb which is coming up and They are going on an ancient Shinto pilgram trail later this year as well - She is very excited but also very worried as it requires a LOT of walking (for some reason, She seemed to think that pilgram trails were easy!!???) and some steep ascents (and She is not good at ascents - She whinges a lot!). So, I'm prepared to overlook Her tardiness but once the cooler weather hits and I have more adventures out and about (She has bought a bike which will, next month, be fitted with a basket so I can go with Them - how cool is that, I will get to see more of Tokyo now - either by densha [train] or on Her jitensha [bike] - I'm hoping She buys me some aviator goggles, I will look SOOOOO PAWSOME!), She better be more pro-active in the Help Department.

We are sorry we haven't been able to leave comments on our buddies' blogs, we have been reading them, She has just had trouble finding time to leave comments. Hopefully that will all change soon when work calms down!!!

We hope you are well and having loads of zoomies and fun!

