Wednesday 21 December 2011

Fly Season

They actually call it Summer, but I call it 'Fly Season' - and boy are the flies bad 'Down Under'.  This is me, down at the river, in 'fly patrol' mode.  I can sit very, very still (yes, quite strange for a Westie, I know!) and then, WHAM, when a fly comes near me, I snap at it.  My strike rate is quite high and the Two Legged Ones refer to me as their eco-friendly fly killer!  Much as I dislike these pesky little things, it doesn't put me off going outside - after all, what sort of Westie would I be if I allowed a few (make that more than a few!!) tiny little things to dictate terms to me - and, really, it would take a lot to stop me from my swimming activities!

Hope your Christmas shopping is going ok and you are all gearing up for lots of treats.  I keep hearing about a baked ham for Christmas lunch - and I can't wait for that, I can tell you! Oh, and I've seen my Christmas present (I sneaked a peak) but, well, I wasn't supposed to so I'll just act surprised when it's given to me on Christmas day!

I also thought I should add this - many of you who read this will know about it already but in case you don't, please take a look at Mayzie's blog (see Blogs I follow below). The Houston Pittie Pack has had a terrible, horrible time of it lately and I thought, well, the more of us who do what we can to help them out, the better.

Woof for now.



Patrice and Higgins said...

Flies drive me insane. I will say, maybe I need to sit still more when trying to catch one. I am too busy chasing them!!

Hoke said...

Hey...i snap at flys too but my favorite is those giant bumble bees...I chase those suckers all over the yard jumping like a little westie kangaroo!!! Merry Christmas to you and happy Fly trapping!