Wow, what a weekend we have had here. The Two Legged Ones had an extra long weekend - no, it wasn't for the Diamond Jubilee (although that has had a lot of coverage 'Down Under'!), it's for something else altogether but, well, to be frank, I'm not that concerned about the reason for the extra day off, I'm just interested in the extra fun I had. And, you know, the Two Legged Ones have been soooo busy lately that it was pawsome to have them around a bit more - mind you, no matter how busy they are, I still have my walks, my one on one time with one of them each night (they take it in turns), etc, it's just that I don't get to blog as much - something to do with me not being trusted with the computer by myself. They reckon I'd end up with 'square eyes' as I'd spend the whole day messing around with blogs, downloading music etc - but the computer screen is rectangular so I've NO idea what they are waffling on about. Anyways, we had a BRILLIANT weekend - the weather here was wonderful -you'd never guess it was Winter, it was soooo warm. It started off with a very very long walk on Friday evening - when the She Two Legged One arrived home from work, I was limping very badly. So, She said, well, no walk for you Groucho. And, of course, by some miracle, the leg was fine within, oh, a nanosecond of her saying that - so She said ok, just a short walk around the block. And I said, very quietly to myself, no way, buddy, that aint gonna happen. So, every time She tried to head for home, I dug my paws in (which, I am proud to say, are now very dirty again) I sat my bottom down on the footpath and I refused to move (which I know is not good behaviour but it was such a wonderful evening, cool and fresh and soooo many smells) and, I have to say, for once, it worked, I got my own way, She agreed we could go for a longer walk as my leg was fine with no trace of a limp at all - and She said it was just what She needed after a week cooped up in an office every day for long hours!!!. But I know there will be a visit to the dog-ter coming up as I heard Her mention to the He Two Legged One that it could be arthritis whatever that is, as I do limp a bit in the morning, but only in the cooler weather.
Then, on Saturday, we went to the beach where I met some VBD (very big dogs) and hung out with them. And had loads of swims and I ran and ran and ran. I did so many zoomies up and down the beach that I was pretty tired, I can tell you, after only a few minutes. You can just seem me in between the legs of one of the VBDs in the photograph below. And there's a photograph of one of the other VBDs who I met - he was great fun, he was very much into zoomies which was fine at first but after a while, well, you know, his legs are MUCH longer than mine so I decided to let him off by himself - it wasn't that I couldn't keep up, you understand, it was just that well, I decided to conserve my energy for the swims!

There was a lot more going ons but the He Two legged One wants the comp-ewe-ter (as we call it) so I have to go. But I've put up some photos of my great weekend and there will be more later, now that the She Two Legged One has promised to stop whinging about her workload and spend more time helping me with my blogs.
Woof for now.