So, here I am, Day Five of the Great Adventure in Japan. I arrived safely, as you can tell from my previous post, and I'm settling in well. The first few days I was very very very tired .....

and everyone who knows me knows that I must have been really, really tired to not destroy Ratty (a welcome home present from Her). Of course, now that I'm back in fine form, Ratty was almost destroyed this evening in a spurt of energy but he was taken away from me - something about trying to have a stuffie that lasts more than a few days!
Of course, it was natural I was tired - it wasn't as long a trip from Australia to Japan as it was from Ireland to Australia and I didn't need any quarantine but still, it's a long way and well, I spent a day at a posh pet hotel before I left Australia and She suspects that I was out all day with the other four legged ones having a blast and showing them who's boss (and I was and I did and I partied pretty hard I can tell you so it was more that than the flight that made me tired!). I have to say thanks here to Penny at
Jetpets for making sure it all went well and, more importantly, for calming Her down about the whole thing - She says She was well in control but I know that poor Penny was on the receiving end of a few stressed out emails!
On Sunday, though, I was ready for a bit of an explore - and boy, did I explore - we went to the local dog cafe - and unlike in Australia where that means I can go, but I have to sit outside, the dog cafe here is a cafe for us four legged ones - we can sit up on a bench, there is a Dog Menu, as soon as I arrived, I was given a mat to lie on and a bowl of water - I was greeted before They were (as is only right and proper) and even though I couldn't read the menu, I could certainly smell some tempting stuff - so I had a special 'only for four legged ones' cake (I wasn't allowed to eat it all as even though it's for us four legged ones, She mentioned that horrible Diet word again ... such a killjoy that one) and They had their usual coffees -

So, She and I will be visiting that cafe quite a bit - it's going to be our 'together time' on the weekend. The cherry blossoms are as amazing as She says - mind you, I don't tend to look up that much when I'm out a walkin' - I just sniff the ground but every once in a while, I did look up and I admit to being amazed by the sakura - and, when we walked home, the wind came up and blossoms were floating down - it was like snow, it was so pretty - I had blossoms all over me! The last few days have been raining and I mean rain, like Irish rain - lashing down so I haven't been able to explore and unfortunately, the sakura have started to disappear but boy, am I glad I arrived in time to see them.
I'm excited about this Great Adventure - as are They. She can see Fuji-san from her office window and She says it is so incredible to look up and see this amazing mountain, sitting there all serene and beautiful. Sometimes, she does go on a bit!
Anyway, I better go - it's been a long day - the sun came out this afternoon so He and I went exploring and then we went to meet Her at the train station and then we went to buy me a new bed!!!
Woof for now
Wow Groucho we are so jealous. We'd love to see the blossoms in Spring in the land of the rising sun. Pwasome cafe pal. We look forward to seeing more now that you are not so tired. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
WOW! Groucho, how long will you be in Japan???? It's soooo cool you get to travel like you do.
My peeps would freak if I found myself on a plane.
ArOOOOOOs! Can't wait to hear about your adventures, Stuart
Groucho, it sure sonuds like you are going to enjoy Japan a whole lot, wow a doggie cafe, it's all about you buddy. Yes we here the country is one amazing place, have fun.
the Mad Scots
I can not describe how jealous I am of you, Groucho! Japan? That's fantastic! I'm glad you're having a good time, that party at the posh hotel sounded ace, you should've invited me! Hawoofha, I'm joking!
And the pet cafe!!!! Was it busy? were there lots of other doggies there? I might've barked at them or just refused to go in, because I'm a bit of a wimp. Did you show them who's boss? And not being able to eat that dog cake!!! How unfair! I will send you one from my special Pippa bakery that doesn't exist tomorrow!
Have a good sleep now!
Pippa :)
Oh WOW, Japan!!!! A cafe FOR dogs...that's fantastic. Yeah, we're always stuck outside here...BAH.
Looking forward to your adventures.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Groucho I have to say that I can not believe you are in Japan!! How long are you there for and will they make you eat Sushi?? She wants to go to Japan but he says, it's too far and he will miss home. Ok, now tell me about that cake. I mean they are starving me over here...no more good stuff for me and I nearly jumped through this screen to get a little bite of that cake!! It looks yummy and I say if you take a nice long walk each and every day on the weekend, you should get to have that cake!! Walking will make it fall right off or out:)!!!! Enjoy those trees too, I bet they smell so nice!! AND when those little petals fall off you can think it's snow and run around and kick em up! Have fun my friend...hope you get to see cool stuff!
The cake was really really delicious - I thought it was very poor firm to leave it behind but She says I need to lose weight!!! Can you believe that??? The ground is covered in cherry blossom petals now - it's great fun walking along on them!!!
Very jealous Groucho. That sounds even better than France where dogs go in cafes and restaurants.
To have a dog cafe - that is cool.
I'm sure you were tired. I have never been on a plane but my cousins travelled from the UK to Australia and that was a long trip too.
Looking forward to your posts. Japan looks great.
Fantastic Groucho!! Frequent flyer miles for you, my pal!!
Love the latte with the paw print foam. Have a wonderful time :D
Wow...you are so lucky to travel. I want one of those coffees! Rest up and then treat that welcome present like it deserves!
Wow...travel! I want one of those coffees...cool looking. Rest up and then treat that welcome present like it deserves!!
You are living the life Groucho. A dog menu are you considered like a dog God inugami? You are such a world traveler.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot
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