Wednesday 12 February 2014

The Snowman

Groucho and his buddies down by the river

Well, it's another quick post - thank to you all for your welcome back messages but it looks like it was a short lived return to Blogville, She is back at the mad long hours at that horrible thing called Work.  But I had to share this - these are my two buddies, Heinrich and Mathilde - I met them out walking along 'my' river (that's it, in the background - who'd have thought, here I am, living in Tokyo and I have this cool river to run along every day!!!) and we are the best of buddies now.  She says Heinrich is the coolest four legged one (not as cool as me, obviously) and Mathilde makes us all laugh as she loves to dig - and while she has her head stuck in a hole, I run up to her and lick her ears.  Heinrich just moseys on along and let's us have play fights with him, he's very gentle with me even though I can be a bit of a brat (apparently, although I would not agree with this of course, that's just what She says).

Anyway, I have to go.  By the way, this snowman was not made by Her, She grew up in Australia so what would She know about snowman building????  H & M he two legged one built it - he was very fast at it (extreme snowmanning we have called it) but then, he grew up in a snowy country so of course he knew what to do!!

And apologies for not being able to visit y'all blogs, we'll make up for it in a few months time, She has promised!!!!

Woof for now

Groucho (or, as I'm now known, SnowDog)


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Love the snowman...your friends look like great fun!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Unknown said...

No worries Grouch just enjoy the snow with your new pals. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Glad you gots some new pals to run around with, we keep watching for you Groucho.

The Mad Scots

littlevenice said...

Angie and I enjoyed the Tokyo snow as well!
BTW we are planning our first St Patricks Day Westie Walk in Makinari on 21 March. Hope Groucho can join us. Can arrange transport in advance.

Pippa Sheltie said...

Hello again Groucho!
It's fine to be busy, I think you can tell from this super duper late comment that we've been a bit busy too! That's an ace snowman, and your friends look good fun too! Hope to see you again soon chum.
Pippa :)

Anonymous said...

We miss you Groucho!