Tuesday 10 January 2012


Erik, originally uploaded by Wonder Westie.

This is my friend Erik. He came to visit last weekend. Unlike Erik, who is exceptionally good at allowing me to 'share' (the Two Legged Ones are snorting and saying that 'share' is hardly the word - 'steal' is more like it!) his treats when I go to his house, I'm afraid that I'm not quite as generous and do tend to sulk a bit when he comes over to play. Usually, I will play a little bit and we follow each other around but I much prefer to go to his house and invade his space! I don't mind him sharing my space, I'm just not as generous as he is! And, in my defence, I was quite pawly on the weekend - I've hurt my left paw and I was a bit out of sorts. But it's fine now so you can imagine the huge run I'm going for tonight!!!

Woof for now.



Patrice and Higgins said...

I hate to hear that you hurt your paw! Glad it's on the mend!! My mom says I need to learn some manners when my friends come to visit. I have a hard time sharing...so she says!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry abouts your paw, Groucho. But I'm glad it's better now! And Brudder Ranger always says that it's a terrier's purr-og-a-tif on whether they want to share or not. So NOT sharing is A-OK if you're a terrier. (But he also says that the same rule doesn't apply to brindle dogs named Mayzie.)

Wiggles & Wags,

Hoke said...

He looks like he's got some personality!!!!! Feel better and have some fun!!!

Patrice and Higgins said...

I'm back to tell you that I gave you an award on my blog! :o)
